Category: Relationships (page 1 of 7)

Thoughts For Today

When Imperfection Strikes! What happens when those closest to us ultimately disappoint? Why do we feel unloved, abandoned or dismissed? It’s not as if we all aren’t imperfect in our own way. Could it be because we are never comfortable with our own imperfections that accepting them in others is always a challenge? I believe …more

Six things I wish I’d known about death (before my father died)

When our daughter was about five, she told me she really didn’t want to die, and in fact, didn’t think she actually would. Death was probably going to skip her. Sad to say, she kind of spoke for a lot of us. Although it’s one of the few things we have no choice about, we …more

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Beacon Terrace In Lockdown

When I decided to write an article about what our community was doing during this lockdown period, I said to myself, gee, being cooped up inside for nearly 2 months, (since March 13 to be exact) what could I write about. Well, I could write about how the lockdown affected my wife and I and …more

Autumn Leaves …

Have you ever started a project, determined to finish it no matter how long it took? Well, that was me this past summer I spent most of my long, hot, humid summer days focusing on completing my latest, longest project … my novel Lady on the Run. I began this story in the ’70s, and …more

Celebrate Older Americans Month – May 2019

May is Older Americans Month! Each year, the Administration on Community Living (ACL) within the Federal government sponsors this month of recognition with a theme that changes from year to year. Whether you are one of our more than 49 million older Americans or if your aim is to join their ranks in the future, …more

Never Would I Have Imagined

One question I’ve always had trouble answering is, “What is your long term plan?” I can organize and implement everything from a small task to a large-scale international project as well as anyone, but setting and achieving 5-year goals for myself is a real stumper for me. Given my history, it makes sense. My mother …more

Tips For Old Guys Looking For Love Online

What is perceived as criticism or negativity is hard to take but sometimes, telling it “like it is” is the only way to tell it. Trust me, you will be offended by some parts of this essay and that’s okay. Grow up and take it like a real man, if you know what that means. …more

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The Older Man Looking for Love — Why He’s Not Finding It

A 75 year-old man had been married 40+ years. His wife cooked and cleaned, took care of the kids who are now on their own, and he provided income. They had sex once in a while and took each other for granted. He was content, she was sort of happy and then she died, and …more

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