Category: Jobs/Volunteer (page 1 of 6)

Writing Saved Me

I feel very lucky. That wasn’t always the case. Stricken with Lyme Disease after moving to Ojai, California in 1997, my life went from a very busy job as a Nurse Practitioner in the second busiest emergency room in Los Angeles county to virtually bedridden. Initially, I found the tick bite and had prophylactic treatment …more

We’re on the Road to Volunteer?

Where did I leave off last time? Oh, yes … it was June, 2015. Once again I was learning why God doesn’t always let us know what lies ahead around the bend. The first day on the road to Wimberley, Texas, heading west on I20 in our recently purchased old vintage motor home was a …more

Lets Hit the Road to Where?

~You cannot discover new roads until you’re willing to lose sight of your front door~ Since retiring, do you plan for your future, or do you go-with-the-flow? Rob and I decided when we got married thirty-some years ago to never plan too far ahead. Why? Because every time we planned, something else would come up …more

Celebrate Older Americans Month – May 2019

May is Older Americans Month! Each year, the Administration on Community Living (ACL) within the Federal government sponsors this month of recognition with a theme that changes from year to year. Whether you are one of our more than 49 million older Americans or if your aim is to join their ranks in the future, …more

Never Would I Have Imagined

One question I’ve always had trouble answering is, “What is your long term plan?” I can organize and implement everything from a small task to a large-scale international project as well as anyone, but setting and achieving 5-year goals for myself is a real stumper for me. Given my history, it makes sense. My mother …more

An Alternative to Total Retirement

I remember wondering when I should retire. It started around Christmas time of my retirement year. The thoughts I was turning over in my mind went something like this: Can I afford to retire? I would have to take a small financial penalty on my pension if I was to retire that year. What would …more

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Labor Day — Celebrate Freedom from Work

If you’re retired, Labor Day is an excellent time for another celebration of freedom from work. Held on the first Monday of September, Labor Day serves to mark the ‘end’ of summer. For young parents, school begins in September thus signalling regular routines like early bedtimes, preparation of lunches and homework supervision. For workers, the …more

Volunteering with monkeys in the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest

It was a dream come true as we found the opportunity to volunteer with wildlife in the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest. Far off from any civilization we would be caring for Woolly Monkeys and other indigenous animals. And yes – it became a once in a lifetime adventure! It started on a bad note At Buenos …more

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