Author: Sharon Leaf
Have you ever started a project, determined to finish it no matter how long it took? Well, that was me this past summer I spent most of my long, hot, humid summer days focusing on completing my latest, longest project … my novel Lady on the Run. I began this story in the ’70s, and …more
To know someone here or there With whom you feel there is an understanding In spite of distance or thoughts unexpressed— That can make of this earth’s garden. Goethe I can’t believe it’s been eight months since we sold our home and downsized to a lovely condo on Lake Murray. Now that I think about …more
Where did I leave off last time? Oh, yes … it was June, 2015. Once again I was learning why God doesn’t always let us know what lies ahead around the bend. The first day on the road to Wimberley, Texas, heading west on I20 in our recently purchased old vintage motor home was a …more
~You cannot discover new roads until you’re willing to lose sight of your front door~ Since retiring, do you plan for your future, or do you go-with-the-flow? Rob and I decided when we got married thirty-some years ago to never plan too far ahead. Why? Because every time we planned, something else would come up …more
You cannot discover new roads until you’re willing to lose sight of your front door Depending on where you live, you’re still waiting for warmer weather. Here in South Carolina we know Spring is here because the birds are serenading, and the blossoms are budding, and pollen is in the air, and on our cars. …more
Spring is just around the corner! Depending on where you live, you can feel it in the air! South Carolina’s weather is fighting for spring to spring forth! I’ve done most of my downsizing and as you recall, I closed my last blog sitting on our patio, admiring the sun set over Lake Murray, asking …more
Happy New Year! After weeks of packing, unpacking, moving furniture around several times a day, tossing, and donating, I feel like these two REDs* are happily settled in our cozy condo on Lake Murray. New Year’s resolutions? I gave them up years ago. I’d make lists, and then forget where I placed them. However, I …more
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Like me, you’ve probably asked yourself, When did I get old enough to retire? I still ask myself, When did I get old? My husband Rob of thirty-one years and I met and married in our early forties. We have a blended family of two sons and two daughters, but through the years we’ve always …more
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