Category: Relationships (page 2 of 7)
Want a more fulfilling retirement? Get connected It’s no secret that isolation and disconnection from others plays into depression. If you go online in search of the latest health news, one trend you’re sure to spot is loneliness and its detrimental effects is often compared to smoking. Even today, I read an article about it …more
Within the period of a little more than a year, I sold my tiny condominium in Southern California, retired, cut my income by a third, moved across the country to a house in central Florida about three times the size of my tiny California condo, bought a mobile home in Florida for my 84-year-old disabled …more
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To change up holiday traditions this past Christmas, my husband and I gave the kids (and us) DNA kits at Thanksgiving. Wouldn’t Christmas dinner be fun and unique if we learned something about our DNA and fixed food from our various ethnic backgrounds during the holidays? We could then skip the traditional ham or turkey. …more
About two years ago, at age 63, I realized it was time to create a meaningful retirement plan. My 30+ year, very rewarding career in sales and management was winding down. My pension was set so I was lucky that I had flexibility. Retire? But to what? I don’t play golf, crochet, play bridge or …more
In a previous post (“Retirement and Good Living” March 15, 2016) entitled Crucial Conversations—We’re All in this Together, I made the case for the importance of discussing your retirement plans with those closest to you. The elevator speech about why this matters goes something like this. “I’m going to retire. What I decide to do …more
Green! That is what I remember most about that day; the vastness of the empty space, the long trudge to the grave site, and the green lawn sprawling out in all directions. What a lonely place, I remember thinking, for my grandfather to be laid to rest. I was seventeen years old and had just …more
Moving is never an easy activity. When you’ve retired and are planning the rest of your life, it becomes more of a burden—both physical and emotional. On a psychological scale, moving, divorce and death in the family are a three-way tie for being the most difficult of life’s occurrences. We were quite young (it’s all …more
Almost a decade ago, I was in a retirement life planning workshop. Everyone was asked to share their name and why they were attending the workshop. When it came his turn, one gentleman stood and said, “Hi, my name is Joe Smith. I’m here because I’m retiring in three months and I want to get …more