Category: Jobs/Volunteer (page 4 of 6)

Volunteer in Jail

The walls are concrete. So are the floors. The halls echo. At noon, the aroma of spaghetti and boiled green beans floats in with a rolling cart. When our children headed off to start their own lives, I was left pretty kid-hungry. One day, the paper featured a woman in her late seventies who taught …more

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Over the Edge? Not Me!

Retirement! Retirement? Retirement brings up a lot of emotions and reactions. For some it’s the looking forward to leaving the daily grind of work and can’t wait to retire. For some it’s a loss as they hit that age of required retirement. For others it can be scary and what the hell am I going …more

Retirement as Status Quo Ante

Most discussions of retirement center on change. Retirees have to learn to live without the discipline and purpose of their previous vocations, they are likely to move to new locations, they have to adjust to a different calculus for income and spending, they can and should seize new opportunities that are now open to them. …more

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Empty Nesters on a Green Global Trek: Granada, Nicaragua

In 2008, we launched on a multi-year “Green Global Trek”. For years we had yearned for the freedom to sculpt a more nomadic lifestyle, once our four teen-age boys would be off to college. We prepared the terrain, gradually, by doing some research about potential launch points for our global trek and decided on Nicaragua …more

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International Volunteering – An Introduction

International volunteering has been an important and satisfying part of my life. Since my days as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Guatemala in 1991 and 1992, I have had the privilege to serve on 21 international missions in 12 countries. All of this began after I turned 50 – it changed my life. If you …more

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Volunteering: Life on the Africa Mercy

Debbie: I remember thinking that this was a very strange place for me to be. I was at the Hope Center, where patients recover from surgery done on the Africa Mercy, the world’s largest non-governmental hospital ship. I was helping a man from Guinea, in West Africa, make a friendship bracelet. He didn’t speak English, …more

Touching people’s lives through the radio

HCRK are the call letters for Holly Creek Radio, a closed circuit broadcast at the Holly Creek Retirement Community in Centennial, Colorado. HRCK provides music, live programming and daily community updates to all 300 residents in our community. The average age of our residents is 82 and that defines the type of music we play. …more

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Phased Retirement is a Win-Win for the Employee and the Organization

Are you lurking around this site even though you are not retired yet? Or maybe your spouse is not retired yet but you wish she were. Retirement is not the easiest concept to wrap our minds around, especially when it feels like falling off a cliff. Unfortunately, most companies today are not in tune with …more

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