Touching people’s lives through the radio

It is important for me to express a personal experience in working on this station.

One of inspirations offered by our Chaplin emphasized an important message. I confess I was motivated to become involved in the radio for very personal and selfish reasons, which was to give me something to do from time to time.

Jim’s message gave an example of someone who was under pressure to perform outside of his comfort zone. He discovered a talent that he wasn’t aware he had, or at least, he didn’t understand the true value of his skills.

After I became involved in the station I began to realize, though I had never started a radio station before, I was using a skill I had no idea I had, and the result was a valuable benefit to many of the residents of Holly Creek.

Those with sight impairment, and those who were just bored, are benefiting from my involvement with the station. By launching the radio station, I also provided volunteer opportunities to fellow residents who have never been behind a microphone before. They now have an outlet to talk about and express their passions and personalities.

The experience has taught me a valuable lesson. Unrealized skills, untapped will benefit no one, but skills that are attempted even though you never thought of before, can make a that person feel wonderful— needed and fulfilled. Selfishness is not all it’s cracked up to be. The experience I had was a revelation and frankly, I feel great.

Thanks to Wendy for her ideas, support, and encouragement.

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1 Comment

  1. I knew Dick Gustafson Jr when he was attending the Boy Scout troop, in what I recall was the old Plymouth church, with Les Schmidt as the scoutmaster. He was the brother of Ish. Les worked at Quality Market. I helped Dick Jr, and his dad Dick Sr, came to our farm, and we cut branches and made up a primitive survival shelter.

    Do you remember me Dick?

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