Author: Dick Gustafson

Movie Night – My Fascination With Movies Since I Was a Boy

Growing up in a small town in Nebraska, there were only two things to do on the weekends: play baseball and go to the movies. I enjoyed both, so I kept busy each weekend. When baseball season was over the movies were available from 1 p.m. to late at night. It was not unusual to …more

My First & Last Visit to Prague

Several years ago as my son and I entered the small, half–dark, hotel conference room we saw a collection of various sizes and shaped tables pushed together in the center of the room, making a sort of conference table, which left little space for the six chairs jammed between the walls and the tables. The …more

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Boy Scout Success Story

Hopefully, this article will inspire you or another adult to help some boy to get on track for potential success by becoming a Boy Scout. Let me tell you about a boy who was given the opportunity and the support to become a Boy Scout and what happened to him. He was a proud boy …more

Children’s Theater School

Have you ever gone to a movie or a stage play and fanaticized that you could have performed as good as the actor in the performance? Have you ever fanaticized what being a director of a play would be like? If the answer is yes to either question or you have another theatrical itch to …more

Living with Parkinson’s disease

I have Parkinson’s disease. I am not a hero, but a survivor of a number of challenges since 2000. They include Prostate cancer surgery, Rotator cuff Surgery, an acoustic neuroma between the brain and my left ear, surgery for colon cancer and cancer of the bowel, and two total knee replacements. Frankly, I was beginning …more

The Spirit of 76

My motivation for writing, producing and narrating a documentary on the history of the United States of America was simple. In a survey of graduates from a high school (I can’t remember which one), over 50% of those interviewed believed during World War II, America & Germany were allies against Russia. They missed several other …more

Memories: The Civil Air Patrol and Eagle Airport

My rank in the Civil Air Patrol was Lt. Col… My designation was National Liaison Officer to the U.S. Congress. My job was to lobby members of Congress so the members continued to support the CAP, as they had in the past, and possibly to increase that support to provide aircraft for each unit. Our …more

Touching people’s lives through the radio

HCRK are the call letters for Holly Creek Radio, a closed circuit broadcast at the Holly Creek Retirement Community in Centennial, Colorado. HRCK provides music, live programming and daily community updates to all 300 residents in our community. The average age of our residents is 82 and that defines the type of music we play. …more

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