Author: Dr. Sara Zeff Geber

Choosing Where to Spend Your Retirement Years

The ocean? The mountains? Downsize? Upsize? Near the grandkids? With other retirees? Seek peace, quiet and solitude? Get closer to the action? So many choices are now available to those with the freedom to move anywhere they like – or nowhere at all. How should you make this huge decision? First of all, it’s important …more

Phased Retirement is a Win-Win for the Employee and the Organization

Are you lurking around this site even though you are not retired yet? Or maybe your spouse is not retired yet but you wish she were. Retirement is not the easiest concept to wrap our minds around, especially when it feels like falling off a cliff. Unfortunately, most companies today are not in tune with …more

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The Elusive Goal of Happiness

From the time we were first able to understand the word, we have all been in pursuit of as much happiness as we can find. After all, it’s in the constitution, right? However, happiness is an elusive study target. It’s been hard to define, and even harder to measure. But in recent years, social scientists …more

Solo Agers: Singles and Couples Without Adult Children – Part 2

The functions adult children most often serve in the lives of their elderly parents are 1) financial management, including bill paying and investment/withdrawal decisions; 2) legal representation, generally having the power-of-attorney over any legal matters concerning the parent, if and when the parent is not able to do this for herself; 3) medication management; 4) …more

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Solo Agers: Singles and Couples Without Adult Children – Part 1

About six years ago, I began to notice an interesting thing: many of my friends were spending a lot of time tending to their aging parents. Those that lived close by were helping with driving, relocation, managing medications, going to doctor appointments, etc. Those whose parent(s) lived further away did a lot of those tasks …more

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