Category: Humor (page 3 of 11)
It wasn’t that long ago that I found out I owned a prostate. Now, my doctor tells me, I have a colon. I was sitting in his office discussing some test results, when he said, “I saw something I didn’t like in your stool sample.” It’s hard to keep a straight face when someone says …more
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One of the things about aging no one ever mentions is the inevitable transmigration of one’s teeth. For the last 50 years or so, my teeth have been slowly but surely jockeying for position. A position, I might add, they have absolutely no business being in. That’s because my teeth are unrealistic. They are plus-sized …more
Who knew television viewing would change with retirement? I could just write, “We now have high definition TV–HDTV! And a streaming device!” But you’d never know about the radical change, the loss my father-in-law “Muns” suffered or TV service providers’ weather reports. Pre-Retirement TV Before we retired, my wife Vicki and I had a TV, …more
Several years ago I decided to celebrate my retirement with a new car. My wife and I had been sharing one, and I’d hesitated to purchase another for my exclusive use because we lived downtown and parking was difficult. Our house was nearly a hundred years old with a narrow garage carved out of the …more
We’re here! The bags have been unpacked, the clothes put away and the neighbors sufficiently greeted and acknowledged. The coverings have been taken off the furniture and the cable TV service has been restored. All is ready for another six months. We are back in Arizona for the winter. This will be our thirteenth winter …more
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Vicki would like to disrupt our placid retirement with another cat. I ask you, is that fair? Because I have always been the early riser and the one who handles cleaning duties, I have been the cat keeper…in sickness and in health, until death do they part. I fed, watered, changed litter, cleaned up after …more
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Years ago, (and I’m really dating myself here, but I bet some of you remember), there was a TV show in the middle of the day called Art Linkletter’s House Party. The show ran the gamut from household hints, informal celebrity interviews and musical groups. But the highlight of the show was at the end …more
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I noticed I’ve been thinking a lot about death lately. I guess because I’m getting older and the future isn’t as wide open and expansive as it used to be. It’s like I’m reaching the crest of the hill of life, whereupon it’s all downhill from here on out. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not …more