Author: Len Schritter (page 3 of 5)

Snowbird Season Begins in Mesa

Mesa, Arizona! My wife and I have been coming here for the last twelve years now and we love it. The weather is warm. The sun shines most of the time and there’s lots to do. When the calendar turns to October and the days start getting cooler, that’s when we know that our annual …more

Remembering Mom

“I’m sorry for your loss.” The pastor held out his hand as he looked down at me seated in the velvet covered folding chair underneath the mortuary tent of the same color. I looked up at him and felt my right hand rising to meet his. He grasped it warmly and shook it as his …more

Put Yellowstone on Your Bucket List

I first started going there when I was about four or five years old. Way early in the morning while it was still dark, my grandma would load up a cooler with Shasta pop and bologna sandwiches and put them in the trunk of the car. She would make sure there were plenty of blankets …more

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A Chapter Finally Closes

The road was a familiar one. The highway leading out of town had a slight bend in it as it curved south. Approaching the well-known curve, I eased on the brake and slowed our car down to a near stop before turning right. I was heading home, or at least it felt like it. As …more

The Class of 2015

We walked through the busy parking lot following the rest of the crowd. It was a warm evening and the sun was setting on the other side of the arena which loomed in front of us. Snippets of conversation could be heard as we walked quickly with the throng. It was a joyful night. Everyone …more

Cook, Laundryman and Nurse

The doctor walked swiftly towards me with purpose and resolve. His olive colored surgical mask hung around his neck and a similar colored scrub hat covered the top of his head. Even though everything in his body language conveyed that he was a man in a hurry, he managed to flash a pleasant smile as …more

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The Superstition Mountains

I tipped my wine glass back and the Pinot Grigio flowed over my tongue and down my throat like pure spring water. My senses came alive as I sat my glass back down on the patio table and leaned back in my chair. Diana’s voice pierced the stillness of the moment. “Beautiful evening isn’t it.” …more

Why I’m Not in Boston

I hate the snow! Didn’t used to be this way. In my former life, that is my life away from Arizona, winter weather and all the inconveniences that go with it were just part of the deal. We didn’t know any different. Every fall, just as soon as that familiar chill was felt in the …more

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