Category: Health (page 6 of 15)

The Treadmill is My Friend

One thing about retirement is that it gives you a lot of time. Suddenly you have to come up with something to occupy yourself during the hours and hours of those long retirement days. For some it’s easy. They just transition into retirement by throwing themselves into a lifelong hobby which they could only dabble …more

If I have to live with Dementia

I have encountered dementia both in family members and also in my working life. As a result, I would add one extra task to consider when planning for later life. That is, instructions on how you would like to be treated in the event of your having to live with Dementia. My “Living with Dementia …more

How seniors control healthcare costs

The two most costly budget items for older adults are housing and health care. Health care takes a $3 trillion dollar hit on the U.S. budget. Deloitte reports that we spend more on medical expenditures over many countries in the world. In 2013 alone, our nation paid 117% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and in …more

Ah! Sweet Sugar!

In the past I’ve written about how as a child I ate cottage cheese and peas with sugar sprinkled on the top. I learned how tasty sugar was early in my lifetime. Another strange tale from my childhood: It was during the same era when we colored margarine which came from the grocery store looking …more

When You Don’t Have Your Health

What’s important to you? As we age, our priorities change. In our 20’s and 30’s, many of us wanted adventure or to boost our careers and start our families. In our 40’s and 50’s, we tended to focus more on stability and planning for the future. So what do 60-somethings care about? The lucky ones …more

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Getting Better with Age: Women embrace sexual desire and build sexual confidence

Through the course of research for my book I spoke with 95 heterosexual women between the ages of 20 and 68 about how their sexual desire and sexual confidence developed and evolved during their lives. As they grew older, women experienced changing definitions of sexuality—both in their own sexual desire and their understanding of desirability …more


It wasn’t that long ago that I found out I owned a prostate. Now, my doctor tells me, I have a colon. I was sitting in his office discussing some test results, when he said, “I saw something I didn’t like in your stool sample.” It’s hard to keep a straight face when someone says …more

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Prehab: We’re Going to Need It

The inevitable came to pass for me in 2013. After struggling with arthritis in my hips for over a decade, it was finally time to replace them, which I did, one at a time. So that was the bad news. There were three pieces of good news. The surgeries and rehabs went well—I was immediately …more

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