Author: Alan Spector (page 1 of 2)
I have been asked to speak to a group of aspiring authors about lessons I have learned since I began my writing journey over a decade ago. The mistakes made and a few successes while researching, writing, publishing, and marketing five books, four nonfiction and one novel, have taught me a lot. And I have …more
How should we decide how we should be best spending our time in retirement, either as we look forward to or travel through it? Here’s one model that has worked well for many—see how it works for you. The simple idea is to identify what you are passionate about, those things you love to do …more
In a previous post (“Retirement and Good Living” March 15, 2016) entitled Crucial Conversations—We’re All in this Together, I made the case for the importance of discussing your retirement plans with those closest to you. The elevator speech about why this matters goes something like this. “I’m going to retire. What I decide to do …more
Before we get started, go get your bucket list. No, not the one in your head—the one you have written down. Oh, you don’t have one? Then let’s start in a different place. Why would you want a bucket list and why should it be written down? Most people are familiar with the concept of …more
Almost a decade ago, I was in a retirement life planning workshop. Everyone was asked to share their name and why they were attending the workshop. When it came his turn, one gentleman stood and said, “Hi, my name is Joe Smith. I’m here because I’m retiring in three months and I want to get …more
The inevitable came to pass for me in 2013. After struggling with arthritis in my hips for over a decade, it was finally time to replace them, which I did, one at a time. So that was the bad news. There were three pieces of good news. The surgeries and rehabs went well—I was immediately …more
I’m pretty sure we know what the answer to the following question should be, “Are you merely satisfied with your life, or would you prefer to be flourishing?” Many retirees we talk to say they are satisfied. And that’s great. It beats the alternative of being dissatisfied. But simply being satisfied is not nearly as …more
So, you’re not yet retired, but you’re trying to decide if and when. How are you going to make that decision? What if I told you there were four simple, yet profound, questions to ask yourself, and when the answer to all four of them is “Yes,” it’s time to retire? How powerful are these …more