Gold Coast


Retire or vacation at the Gold Coast AustraliaTraffic is undeniably busy on the Gold Coast. Save time and use the G:Link – Gold Coast’s light rail system, which will take you from Helensvale all the way through to Broadbeach. In one trip you can experience Southport’s China Town, Surfers Paradise’s iconic beach and when you reach Broadbeach, hop off for superior shopping at the Gold Coast’s biggest mall. Cost: Go Explore Go Card Adult $10 (approximately $7 US) all day

Beach Safety

Gold Coast employs the largest number of professional life guards patrolling the beaches across all of Australia. Swim between the yellow and red flags and always obey the lifeguard rules – it will keep you safe.

With it’s sub-tropical climate and chilled out yet, cosmopolitan way of life, the only tricky part about the Gold Coast as a vacation destination is having to leave.

Perhaps this is why over 12,500 people move permanently to the Gold Coast each year. Interestingly, those aged 65 and older will account for one in three of the additional population arriving in the region over the next 25 years, according to Bernard Salt from The Demographics Group.

With 300 days of sunshine a year, where else would you rather be?

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  1. 16.5% of the population in the last Census was over 65 years.

    It’s been popular for a number of years – particularly with people wanting a ‘warmer winter’.

    Re: 300 days of sunshine a year: St Helens on Tasmania’s east coast also has ~300 days of sunshine.

    Having researched over 200 locations around Australia (and continue to do so), and co-authored several books on Where To Retire In Australia, it’s really important to do your research before moving. Visit in all seasons , check out the medical facilities, the cost of living, security and recreation and leisure options.

  2. A well written and informative piece. I would add there was one notable omission – GC is one of the most expensive parts of Australia to visit or live in.

    It is best off-season when everywhere on the Coast is not crammed to the rafters with crowds of tourists. Stay well away from it during school breaks when every beach, pub or even street is full of loud, pushy, aggressive and mostly drunk school students seemingly intent on proving their male macho-ness. Not a nice experience…

    Winter is an especially pleasant time of the year to be there – unfortunately, every second Aussie thinks the same, and it can get busy with ‘Down Southers’ during those months.

    The comment by Jill Weeks were especially interesting to us and we will be looking into St Helens as our escape place during the coming winter.

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