Category: Retirement locations (page 2 of 21)

Home for A While

To know someone here or there With whom you feel there is an understanding In spite of distance or thoughts unexpressed— That can make of this earth’s garden. Goethe I can’t believe it’s been eight months since we sold our home and downsized to a lovely condo on Lake Murray. Now that I think about …more

Galicia, Spain

When people think of Spain, what generally pops into their minds is a stereotype. Bulls, flamenco dancers, sangría, and possibly, paella dance through their heads. Images of sunny beaches, olive groves, and white-painted houses clustered together on a dusty plain soon follow. Much of this stereotype dates back to Ernest Hemingway, and Franco’s intention to …more

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Asian Servants

During the 1970s in my international banking career, my wife and I lived in Southeast Asia for five years—two in Jakarta and three in Singapore. Returning to the States, we found that friends were curious about servants and assumed they were like those in PBS British dramas. Before arriving in Jakarta, we had hoped our …more

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Offshoring Retirement

As a growing number of retirees face financial insecurity, what impact could those who move abroad have on lower-income communities? Retirement is changing. Not only are a growing number of people facing greater financial insecurity as they approach retirement. They are also aging in a cultural context that validates travel, adventure, and the pursuit of …more

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Retire to France? What Were We Thinking?

How to live a simpler life? Slower? More Zen-like? In a place with good food and wine and lots of sunshine? We are globetrotters, my man and I. After living the expat life in over a half dozen developing countries because of my husband’s work as a development agri- economist, we had to decide where …more

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Retiring in Thailand

The decision for us to retire in Thailand was actually pretty easy. After living in the U.A.E and traveling extensively around the Middle East and Africa during my tenure with IBM, Thailand was a welcome respite. As I traveled through out the Middle East and Africa, I looked at each of the countries for one …more

Making the Late-Life Living Decision

Moving to a senior community isn’t for everyone, yet it was right for us. The move came only after we had followed a dream: that of retiring and building a log house in a rural area. As the years passed our daughter, just 60 miles away, moved across the state on the other side of …more

Making the most of a trip to Italy

Since we bought our apartment in Bagni di Lucca in northern Tuscany almost 15 years ago I spend 6 months of every year in glorious Italy. I am often asked by first time visitors to Italy how to make the most of their trip. Time is precious and there is much to see. If I …more

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