Author: Terri LaBonte

The Dream Is In The Doing

Most people fantasize about living their dreams in retirement. We don’t always know exactly what those “dreams” are. We just know that our retirement will involve the pursuit of said “dreams” … in some great big, exciting, spectacular, vague kind of way. I think one of the reasons people sometimes feel dissatisfied in retirement is …more

Lessons I Wish I Never Had To Learn

When my beautiful mother suffered an insidious stroke that led to her death thirteen months later, my life crumbled. I found myself immediately enrolled in the School of Hard Knocks for a graduate degree in desolation. This event pushed me into the role of caregiver for my much-loved mother as she approached the end of …more

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The Long Good-bye

Within the period of a little more than a year, I sold my tiny condominium in Southern California, retired, cut my income by a third, moved across the country to a house in central Florida about three times the size of my tiny California condo, bought a mobile home in Florida for my 84-year-old disabled …more

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