Author: Hank Ross

Pickleball. No you can’t eat it.

A few months ago I had lunch with a friend at a local deli and he asked me what I thought of Pickleball. I told him I like dill pickles, sour pickles and even pickled herring but never heard of pickleball. He laughed. Pickleball is not the latest deli delicacy but a game that seems …more

Retirement Hobby: Podcasting

Before retiring, many of my more recent jobs and consulting assignments required the use of, or software development for the Internet. The reach of the Web always fascinated me. How else can something you write, record, photograph or video have the potential to be instantly available to hundreds, thousands or even millions of people around …more

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Life and a Path to Retirement

My parents were born in Europe and fled (with their parents) in 1938 and 1939 just before World War II started. Both families left almost everything behind and came here with few belongings and very little money. My father’s family moved in with relatives in Queens, New York and lived there for several years while …more

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