Every community has a local community center called a “social club” where neighborhood events are held and people can go to play Soccer, and Tennis (quite popular here), basketball or Swim. Several 10k runs are sponsored during the year by famous sport shoe companies and there are a few golf courses here.
I must say that Uruguay is just a tiny, do I dare say “mild”, peaceful country. Cows still graze on grass filled lands and you might see a pet sheep in a front yard in some of the smaller towns.
Nothing too exciting happens here. It has no natural disasters to speak of. There are no volcanoes, earthquakes, mudslides or blizzards. Although, there are some fierce wind and lightening storms on occasion, there are no hurricanes or a monsoon season.
The people here are still friendly to Foreigners including North Americans. In fact, even if you are blond or blue eyed no one will notice that you are not from here (if you don’t speak). Over the years there has been a large influx of Italian, Spanish (from Spain) English, Swiss, German, and some Russian immigrants who have now formed 2nd and 3rd generations of mixed Uruguayans.
In the Capital you can find true city life but be warned. If you crave constant excitement or are easily bored, then Uruguay is NOT for you! You have to be willing to slow down and accept a small town way of life, outside of the Capital. You have to be “Tranquilo” to enjoy life here.
Reasons to retire here:
- Long coastline with great beaches
- Very Slow, relaxed pace of life
- Great healthcare at very reasonable prices
- Local farmer’s markets called Feria’s are held weekly in every community
- Nightlife in the Capital (clubs, museums, art galleries, and live theater etc…)
- Festivals, the longest celebration of Mardi Gras. in South America
Weather: 4 mild seasons (no snow) Temperatures range from upper 30’s to the 50’s in winter and normally in the 70’s to upper 80’s in the summer with occasional highs reaching mid 90 and above, up north near the Brazilian border.
Population: 3.5 million
Sales tax: 22% included in the purchase price.
Income tax: 12% on monies earned in Uruguay and an agreement of no double taxtion for monies earned out of the country.
Property and school tax: combined is about 1 to 2% depending on location and includes garbage pickup.
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