Soon Come Mon (retiring in Nevis)

Food is fresh and plentiful and if you shop carefully and eat local you will find out just how inexpensive life is here.

Retire in Nevis St.Kitts, CaribbeanThere are very few new cars here because old ones last forever and how far can you go on a small island. No one gives a hoot what you drive but everyone knows your license plate. It’s a local quirk but they ‘study’ plates. More than once I have met some one who says, “oh yeah, you are 9104”.

I love the local people and to live on any island you must come prepared to embrace the culture and become part of it or stay away.

Nevisians are beautiful people with kind and loving hearts. They have a wisdom we lack and they live their life in the spirit of love and kindness. They live longer and laugh more than any other culture I have encountered around the world. Life is easy here!

Days are slow and lazy and sunsets will never disappoint you. Even a tropical depression can be exciting or perhaps I have become so laid back that I get excited over wind and rain. So what if the monkeys eat my tomatoes and the blooms on my flowers. They have to eat too and there is a solution to everything.

A man I met not long after moving here told me to make out my grocery list but don’t buy it all at one time. “Best to spread it out over the week so you have something to do every day”. He further explained that he gets his car washed on Monday, his hair cut on Tuesday, has lunch with the men on Wednesday and so on through the week. Of course I thought he was joking but soon found myself following his advice.

We don’t wear watches and there is no point having a clock because there is only one time here; soon come or when you get there.

The horse races (3 horses) was scheduled to start at 2 p.m. and there I was sitting alone in the bleachers. By 3 p.m., people started to dribble in followed by the smell of chicken cooking on numerous grills and beer flowing like water over a dam. The race started at 5 p.m. Using a bull horn, the race was called and a gun shot off to start the race. Two horses meandered out of the gate and not 100 yards onto the track one sat down with rider on top. The horse left standing at the gate must have known something the others didn’t. He turned around in the gate and headed out at full speed around the track the wrong way and met the other horse. We thought there would be a head on collision but not so. The rider on the sitting horse gave up and got off to partake of a beer – leaving his horse sitting on the track. I won’t tell you which horse won the race because you wouldn’t believe me!

Dreams come true – mine certainly did and I can honestly tell you from the bottom of my heart I have never been happier in my life than I am right now.

Happy Sunsets to All

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  1. Love your post! My husband and i are searching for a retirement abroad. we are coming to nevis in 2 weeks for a week. Hoping to get a feel and fall in love. Your post is over a year ago but would love to chat with you about retirement. Can’t wait to get out of the Washington DC cold. Please contact me if you will. thanks, Kathi & Dennis

  2. Would be grateful for any advice on re-location in particular on aspect of property purchase, if you could offer advice on agents/attorneys and process/experience I would be most grateful …. Great post.!


  3. Hi
    Looking to start over at the age of 50. Are there reasonably priced properties here? Any type of employment. Not looking to get wealthy, just to find peace.

  4. we just bought a retirement home in Nevis. Please contact me I am seeking advice. Look forward to meeting you.

  5. Really enjoyed your article, retired last year and looking to make a move to the islands… Planning to continue my research and plan to visit early summer.

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