Retirement on the Road

It was by now seven months since I left home and I ached to see my family again. In five days, I drove straight from New Mexico to New Hampshire to attend my granddaughter’s fourth birthday party.

Retirement RVingNow I am set to start the second leg of my adventure as I just returned from Cape Breton National Park in Canada, the parks are all free this year for their 150th celebration. I had a fancy to see a puffin. A little black and white bird with colorful beak that sits in the ocean and is almost impossible to photograph. Here I also visited Gampo Abbey, a Buddhist retreat center perched on the ocean by Pleasant Bay, Nova Scotia. It would be hard to find a more beautiful landscape. Tomorrow I will be off to discover the northern route around the great lakes and over to the Pacific again. Retirement RVingI have a date to meet some Wild Women for New Year’s Eve in southern New Mexico.

This is the most exciting thing I have ever done! I have met lots of kind and generous people all along my way. I have made lifelong friends and seen a rural and wild America I never knew existed.

I write a small blog for those that want to follow my adventures on Facebook. I use kindle and audible for books when I drive long distances. Some of the books that inspire me are: The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey, Blue Highways by William Least Heat Moon, High Tide in Tucson by Barbara Kingsolver, and Indian Givers by Jack Weatherford.

Well I am off on my next adventure! Wish me Luck!

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  1. Thanks for writing. You’ll be back before I take off in my tiny house built inside an old bus. I live near Hartford. Would love to meet up with you sometime.

  2. That looks like awesome fun. I don’t think I will never have the courage to travel alone like that.

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