Kicking The Bucket

Retirement hobbies, drawingStressed over my failure to recognize drawing as a necessity to painting, I signed up for a drawing class. Then, I decided to cancel. After all, the entire experience was a stress. Apparently, I didn’t inherit Mom’s artistic talent. Why prolong the agony by taking drawing? Overriding my negativity, my husband talked me out of canceling and into giving drawing a try. More angst as I waffled back and forth over to take or not take the class. Let’s hear it for encouraging husbands because I decided to replace the negatives with positives and give art one more shot. It took just about three weeks to discover not only can I draw, I can draw well! While I struggled in watercolor class to mix colors in order to create some semblance of art, with a number two pencil I can create a minor miracle on paper. Excited, exhilarated, passionate about this new discovery, I now spend hours upon hours a week enjoying the thrill of what I can create with a mere pencil. And, I’ve moved on to pen & ink classes.

Shortly after retiring I also started a blog using the catch phrase, “retirement is a journey, not a destination”. Until recently, I didn’t fully appreciate the truth in those words. While we may make bucket lists, and probably should make lists, of wants, needs and long-awaited dreams, a bucket list is only a blue print, which may inspire other experiences or ideas. Occasionally, the bucket needs to be kicked over to make room for other possibilities, even surprises, which enrich our lives. Current hobbies or pastimes, while sources of pleasure and fulfillment, don’t mean there aren’t other passions out there waiting to be discovered. What you do all day is not about filling time, which is what I tell the volunteer seekers. Whether in retirement or the work place, being a warm body simply filling a slot is not living. Looking at retirement as a time of personal exploration and discovery ignites the spirit, mind and body. It truly is a journey. Make the most of it.!

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  1. Bravo!

  2. I like the idea of kicking the bucket over. As a person who is a chronic list maker, I am enjoying living without lists in retirement. It’s not easy, but the freedom it gives is amazing!


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