We have traversed the country 4 times and we are planning a fifth trip. This time we will leave Florida and cross slowly west to Arizona until temperatures rise farther north. Then we will move up the west coast through California, Oregon and Washington stopping often to sample National Parks and Monuments along the way. Then we will head east along beautiful but rural US Route 2. It will take us through Idaho and Montana and into North Dakota. I’m sure we will stop at Glacier National Park besides other State Parks. Then it’s on to Minnesota and Wisconsin and to the beautiful upper Peninsula of Michigan.
Then we will cross the Mackinac Bridge and down through Michigan. Then we will drop down to Indiana’s Amish country and east to Maryland to visit one of our kids. By then, the weather will have started to cool off and we will scurry back down to Florida for the winter again. Of course, as usual, our plans are set in Jello. We can change our plans at any time to take advantage of a festival or special event that may set us off in a totally new direction. That’s one of the joys of taking your home with you.
This is a great and wondrous lifestyle for us; but it isn’t for everyone. You have to enjoy being together in a hallway 24/7. Many other folks are out here doing this. The last statistic I saw indicated there are more than one and a half million couples or singles living full-time in RV’s. Not all travel like we do, but that is the appeal for us. Check out RVing, you might be glad you did!
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