Author: Dvora Waysman

Among My Souvenirs

There’s a quotation I have always loved: “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” Loss is an inescapable part of our lives – a breakdown in a relationship;  the death of family and loved ones; people who come in and out of our lives and we lose touch – sometimes because of change …more

Ageless Beauty

We’ve all heard about face-lifts, liposuction and Botox, but what if we want to stay attractive as we get older without resorting to expensive and invasive procedures? It really starts with anti-aging mind games; in other words your inner dialogue. Something is only the truth until new information comes along to contradict it. To change …more

Putting the ‘GRAND’ in Grandparent

Congratulations flood in each time one of your children has a baby. What have we done? Nothing, really. Surely it’s our child and the spouse who deserve the praise. But tradition dictates that we’re also congratulated, as we’ve just assumed a new and important status. When it happens for the first time, you are overwhelmed …more

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