What’s good about Australia?

“What’s good about Australia”? I hear you ask, simple…everything!

If you’re considering a trip “down-under” then now is the time. With the Aussie dollar falling, now is time for us to have “guests over” rather than for us “to go-out”.

In a country not dissimilar in land size to America but a population of about 10% of the USA you can imagine we have a lot and lots of empty space, otherwise known as “the outback” and there is one almighty attraction right in the middle, a “big rock” called “Uluru”. This is a must see, basically it is a little like and Iceberg with 80% below the ground and nothing else around for 100’s of miles. This is a “sacred land” of the native Aboriginals and there are very strict rules when visiting.

Who could visit Sydney without seeing Bondi Beach (our most famous beach but only one of thousands. The Sydney Opera House is absolute must to see – just walking around the foreshore of Circular Quay (Heart of Sydney) you will see the Sydney Harbour Bridge to the left and the Opera house to the right…oh it’s so lovely! And then there’s the bridge (affectionately called the “Coat-hanger” by the locals) ,this is where we celebrate “New Year’s Eve” – we put enough explosives on the poor thing to make even the Chinese envious, stand back and light it up at mid night. For about 10 minutes we are mesmerized. You can climb this magnificent structure (not on NYE) it is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Sydney.

But wait there is so much more….

Australians by nature are a relaxed lot and we like nothing more than to have a good time, a party, festival anything basically that gets us outside! It could be The Festival of Sydney or just a Street BBQ – if you ask an Aussie “Would you like to come to…?.” They will say “yes” before you finish the sentence.

Then there is the food…. With a coast line of around 60,000 kilometres you can image seafood is abundant and very good. But we are a multicultural country and cuisine includes Italian, Greek, Asian, Middle Eastern and French to name a few. What is the Australian Cuisine? Anything we like, we tend to give anything a go, and embrace everything. We like change and new things.

When is the best time to visit? – Anytime!

We are always “home” and you are always very “welcome” to drop in. Weather wise – don’t worry about that! Even our winters are warm – yesterday was 23C or 75F degrees in Sydney and lots of people having a swim at our magnificent beaches and waterways. Yes we have fantastic Ski Fields too. In both New South Wales and Victoria there are many mountainous locations with wonderful facilities. You could ski in the morning and return to Sydney for a swim in the afternoon….how good is that!

It’s a long way to come for a visit, so come for at least two weeks or more….You’ll love it and we’ll love having you!!!


  1. I have been to Australia three times, it is a beautiful, friendly country. As well as Sydney, the Gold Coast is fabulous, the Great Barrier Reef is amazing. Melbourne is a great city and make a visit to the Australian wine country, great wines and wonderful people. Two weeks is too short, I would recommend a month if you can afford the time. Well worth the trip

  2. Hi Royce, this is so nice to hear from people who have visited Oz and had a good time. We have travelled to the US on many occasions on business and boy oh boy do you guys have everything!! I love it! One of great ambitions in retirement is to grab a Winnebago, start at the top and work our way around – should only take a year or two!! Gotta love the US of A.

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