It was here many years ago that I first saw the spectacle that is sbandieratore, flag throwing. We came upon the annual competion and I was immediately enthralled. Sbandieratori dressed in colourful costumes compete in teams and individually to be the best…who can throw the most flags in precision movements without dropping a flag? The original sbandieratori were 14th century army signallers during battles and wars. Now they show off their skills without the wars. If you ever get a chance to see them in action don’t miss it.
We stayed 4 days in the Langhe which allowed us enough time to visit almost all of the towns. They are quite close to each other and the drive between the towns is wonderful. There is a gorgeous view at every turn. We found ourselves stopping the car at regular intervals just to sit and admire the countryside. I think autumn is the best time to visit and there is a good chance you will experience the lovely misty days that we enjoyed.
We stayed at Chalet nelle Vigne in Novello.
We visited these wineries.
Cantina del Glicine in Neive.
Vietti in Castiglione Falletto
Prunotto in Bussia.
We ate delicious meals at…
Barbabuc Ristorante in Novello
La Luna in Neive
Vineria San Giorgio in La Morra
Osteria La Salita in Monforte d’Alba
It is a beautiful area to visit on your next trip to Italy.
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