Search results: "Ireland" (page 2 of 2)

It’s a Brit Thing

All nationalities have their own funny little ways of doing things, and the British are no exception to the rule. Indeed, I sometimes think that, as a nation, we tend to go out of our way to be awkward and to do things rather differently from the rest of Continental Europe. This is not deliberate …more

Looking for the Payoff

Sometimes I wonder where I am going with the new “freedom” in my life. My children are finally on their own, leaving my husband and I to play together and apart, depending upon our moods and which hunting season it is. I am pulling away from the necessity of being a “model” employee and actually …more

What’s it like to live and retire in Cancun, Mexico

We have been living in Cancun for 6 years. We moved here permanently after we retired from our jobs in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. We had vacationed in Cancun repeatedly since 2001 so we knew the area. The attractions here are many: The weather, the culture, clean air, the wonderful Caribbean sea and the …more

On the gym community

Diana brings me flowers. Diana is both beautiful and happily married. Yet there they set at my desk, the latest round of colorful, cared for magnoliophyta straight from her seemingly boundless, magical garden. This has nothing to do with me, you see. Diana brings flowers to the gym for what it gives all of our …more

Golf Courses continued

  Retirement: More Great Golf Courses   The reason the pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can’t see him laughing. – Phyllis Diller   Augusta National Augusta, Georgia, United States The exclusive and private Augusta National Golf Club has hosted the annual Master’s Tournament since 1934. The membership consists of …more

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