Author: Lisa Graff

Retirement 102: Am I happy now?

I am approaching my two year anniversary of writing a column Retirement 101 published bi-monthly in the Cape Gazette in Lewes, Delaware. My view of retirement has changed just like I have. On September 20, 2012, I wrote, “Retirement life isn’t working out so well for me…yesterday I ironed everything in my closet. I always …more

What should You do when you retire?

Many retirees I know claim to be retired, but their life resembles a 40 hour work week. At a thrift shop where I volunteer twice a month, there are several retirees who work 4 or 5 days a week. They are in charge of departments—jewelry, furniture, house wares etc. Nobody made them an official boss, …more

So why not adopt a puppy when you retire?

All my life I wanted a puppy. So now four years into retirement I thought maybe I was ready to embark on this chapter in my life. This past December, I adopted a whole 3 pound 3 ounce puppy who is made up of three parts: Poodle, Bischon and Lhasa Apso. She is adorable. I …more

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Retirement 102

When I first retired from teaching in June, 2010, I was relieved to no longer plan lessons, assess a student’s progress or wait for a bell to ring so I could use the bathroom. I really thought it would be easy to quit work, easy like instant oatmeal. In the past two decades several of …more

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