Author: Danila Mansfield

You better Belize it

I didn’t expect to see a scarlet poinsettia flowering in the jungle, but there it was. More gangly and much larger than the Christmas plants we buy in England or America. “You better Belize it” as they say round here! We were on Mr Eladio Pop’s cacao farm, deep in the rainforest of southern Belize. …more

Volunteering or Voluntourism?

Whether retired baby-boomers or gap-year kids, it seems more and more people are getting involved in international volunteering. What is it, and how do you choose which project to get involved in? Chris and I have just started on our full-time travelling career, and spend time either renting apartments in interesting places around the world, …more

Real Time Travellers!

Permanent Travellers, Senior Nomads, Elderly Adventurers? We still haven’t decided what to call ourselves, since my husband Chris and I sold our house and sold or gave away all our possessions, and set off on the next great adventure in November 2013. Yes, we got rid of everything, no, we have nothing in storage. Some …more

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