Author: Bonnie Moore

How do I Advertise for a Roommate?

We are moving right along with this homesharing lifestyle and are ready to start searching for our ideal roommate! In previous posts I discussed deal-breakers, and setting up your environment. There is another reason for homesharing that I haven’t mentioned yet. I’m a diabetic…have been for 25 years. About two years ago, I was a …more

Preparing for a new roommate

I’ve previously talked about the reasons for homesharing. If you are a single adult somewhere past the age of 40, it makes sense from a financial perspective to share your housing costs with someone else. It also makes sense to have a companion and not live alone. You can watch TV together, share a cup …more

How to find your perfect roommate when sharing your home

You probably haven’t thought about a roommate since college! Ah, but you are now somewhere between 40 and 70 and you find yourself living alone. You’ve heard about this new “movement” where single adults are trying a new version of communal living (homesharing) called the Golden Girls Lifestyle (like the TV show)…and you realize that …more

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Benefits and Rewards of Becoming a Golden Girl!

What is a Golden Girl’s Home? It’s where mature adults share a living environment. Sometimes, it’s two women sharing an apartment; sometimes it’s four women (and men) sharing a house. You need some compatibility and an ability to respect each other, that’s all. Each house develops its own culture and style, and each member of …more

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