This morning I’m doing my usual pre-trip thing – panicking. What do I pack? Where are my crop trousers? Should I be taking time away in the middle of building a new house? Can I even AFFORD to do this? Answer? To hell with it. Do it!
I know this is rationalization, but I figure that at the age of 72 I might as well do these things while I’m able to. Goodness knows what’s around the corner.
This year’s trip will take us from Singapore stopping off at Kuala Lumpur, Cochin, Mumbai, Mina Qaboos, Dubai, Suez Canal Athens, Valletta, Barcelona, Cannes, Florence, and finally Rome. We will then spend a couple days there and move on to Sorrento for 5 days before flying back to the London. The total trip will take 6 weeks.
So, with fear and trepidation I set off for Singapore in a couple of weeks to spend 3 days alone in the city waiting for their arrival. I actually think that I might be a bit of an adrenalin junky because I seem to enjoy being out there on the edge and cities fascinate me. I love exploring, eating ice cream and junk food whenever I want to without having to justify myself to anyone, wandering into posh restaurants in my flip flops only to be politely asked to leave again without embarrassing companions, and generally being weird and out of control.
So, only 15 more sleeps and then I jump off the cliff again.
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