Search results: "volunteering" (page 3 of 7)

Tips For Old Guys Looking For Love Online

What is perceived as criticism or negativity is hard to take but sometimes, telling it “like it is” is the only way to tell it. Trust me, you will be offended by some parts of this essay and that’s okay. Grow up and take it like a real man, if you know what that means. …more

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Why having a purpose is the key to Health & Happiness in Retirement

As we age it is easy to fall into a rut or if we are alone we can withdraw into ourselves. Without a purpose to get up and going in the mornings life can become depressing and it is unhealthy for us – both mentally and physically. I found that out when I retired! I …more

My Retirement Plan – Fully Executed with New and Authentic Life Experiences

About two years ago, at age 63, I realized it was time to create a meaningful retirement plan. My 30+ year, very rewarding career in sales and management was winding down. My pension was set so I was lucky that I had flexibility. Retire? But to what? I don’t play golf, crochet, play bridge or …more

Act III of IV: Time to reinvent yourself

So here’s the thing about retirement. Somehow in thinking about it when I was still working I saw it as a monolith; just as work had meant a steady plan of start/stop times and work days vs weekends, retirement would also have an ongoing, solid shape and direction. But it doesn’t. It has been a …more

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Ten retired friends. Ten very different retirement paths.

My working friends often ask about my retired life. What is retirement like? What do you do with all that time? Do you work? Are you ever bored? Does it make you crazy to be with your spouse all the time? Retired for four years, now, the answers to those questions continue to change. My …more

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Surviving Life At Home During Retirement

“I married you for life, not lunch!” That’s a retort that can be heard more frequently now that 10,000 Baby Boomers are reaching age 65 every day and finding new lifestyles that may include more time at home together. And it may be more togetherness than they have experienced in a long time! What happens …more

What Did You Love to Do When You Were 10?

Why is this a critical question? It, and others like it, can help you shape a meaningful retirement life plan. Here’s how. In my previous post, I suggested there were three P’s to prepare for a successful retirement, Plan, Practice, and Partner. Let me suggest another—Passions. As we did our research to understand what constitutes …more

My Costa Rica Commute

Do you experience bliss doing the most simple of things? You know, where your chest inflates with joy and tears well in your eyes from the sheer power of it. The kind that continues, years later, to give you a rush? I often have them while travelling. A few happened on the southeast coast of …more

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