Daily Calorie Calculator

A calorie is a unit of energy supplied by food. Fats, proteins and carbohydrates contain calories. The key to a healthy retirement is to find a balance between calorie intake and exercise. The Basal Metabolic Rate is the number of calories the body burns at rest to maintain normal body functions.


Below is a calculator that provides three sets of calculations to maintain, lose and gain weight. The chart below the calculator is a representation of the estimated calorie requirements as provided by the USDA/USDHHS to maintain weight based on various lifestyles for those who are retired or approaching retirement.



1,600 1,800 2,000–2,200
2,000–2,200 2,200–2,400 2,400–2,800



*500 calories are subtracted per day to lose a pound/week. 500 calories are added per day to gain a pound a week. The lose of more than 2 pounds per week or the consumption of less than 1200 calories/day are not recommended.


To achieve a balanced weight loss an increase in exercise and a lower calorie decrease is recommended.

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