Search results: "downsizing" (page 1 of 3)
Happy New Year! After weeks of packing, unpacking, moving furniture around several times a day, tossing, and donating, I feel like these two REDs* are happily settled in our cozy condo on Lake Murray. New Year’s resolutions? I gave them up years ago. I’d make lists, and then forget where I placed them. However, I …more
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Spring is just around the corner! Depending on where you live, you can feel it in the air! South Carolina’s weather is fighting for spring to spring forth! I’ve done most of my downsizing and as you recall, I closed my last blog sitting on our patio, admiring the sun set over Lake Murray, asking …more
I feel fortunate to have stumbled upon this website and I can tell you why; I thrive when I can share my experiences that I believe may guide others. So ‘posting’ on a forum where I can reach out to many like minded friends is a dream come true. This is not to be confused …more
Did you ever believe retirement could be so much fun? It is hard to believe that we will be retired 22 years this coming December. In the beginning we were a bit skeptical about how we would survive. I mean we were used to two full-time salaries and were going to drop down to one …more
Moving to a senior community isn’t for everyone, yet it was right for us. The move came only after we had followed a dream: that of retiring and building a log house in a rural area. As the years passed our daughter, just 60 miles away, moved across the state on the other side of …more
It’s been three years since I last wrote for this website: See the post, Why Financial Independence is a better goal than Retirement. The editors have asked me to update that piece in light of the fact that I recently published (with co-author Mike Drak) a book that goes into some depth about the themes …more
It is not unusual for women today to experience some fear and anxiety about retirement – many feel that they will not have the finances needed to retire comfortably. If this accurately describes the way that you feel about your circumstances, you may find comfort in the fact that you can take control of your …more
The road was a familiar one. The highway leading out of town had a slight bend in it as it curved south. Approaching the well-known curve, I eased on the brake and slowed our car down to a near stop before turning right. I was heading home, or at least it felt like it. As …more