Author: Paulette Mahurin

Writing Saved Me

I feel very lucky. That wasn’t always the case. Stricken with Lyme Disease after moving to Ojai, California in 1997, my life went from a very busy job as a Nurse Practitioner in the second busiest emergency room in Los Angeles county to virtually bedridden. Initially, I found the tick bite and had prophylactic treatment …more

It’s never too late to pursue your dreams: My Road to Success

I retired. Then I got to work. I took a writing class and began writing. This was well after I was collecting social security. Maybe what you are about to read will inspire you to write. Or to pursue your dream. It’s never too late. I hope my success motivates you. You’ve never heard of …more

Over the Edge? Not Me!

Retirement! Retirement? Retirement brings up a lot of emotions and reactions. For some it’s the looking forward to leaving the daily grind of work and can’t wait to retire. For some it’s a loss as they hit that age of required retirement. For others it can be scary and what the hell am I going …more

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